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Dallas’ entire life changed when the Church of New Lazarus opened its doors.


The small town of Wicker, Alabama has been taken over by a glamorous, fast-talking reverend with a charismatic smile as bright as his Rolex watch. This new reverend, who calls himself Blue, has declared himself a ‘modern day Lazarus’ and has set the whole town on fire with religious fervor. Yet, Dallas doesn’t trust him. There is something sinister about the new church and its cult-like following. And when Dallas, who has spent five years caring for his ailing grandfather, is suddenly thrust into the world behind the pulpit; he finds that his expectations of salvation may lie in more infernal hands.


This is a PRE-ORDER! Gospel of the Cuckoo releases on AUGUST 27TH!

Pre-orders END on July 1st! The theme for the pre-order package is WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH, and it will have exclusives that will not be available for orders placed after July 1st, 2024.


The black edition is LIMITED! Only 32 copies will be printed. 



* Matte hardcover (Casewrap)

* Dimensions 6 x 9


* Full color orange ink Interior

* White-colored paper


Interior illustrations by Swifty


Gospel of the Cuckoo: LIMITED BLACK EDITION

  • Ships by August 27th.

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