Heirs of Draonir is a contributor-based anthology full of original stories that are set in the dark fantasy world of Draonir.
Stories do not have to be about the existing Draonir characters, although it can mention them. The focus on this anthology is on original characters, world expansion and exploration, and independent themes. Draonir is the playground, and I want to see your character's story!
Further guidelines and world information are available, but feel free to let your imagination stretch.
A few contributors have already been invited for this project.
Word count range is 1k-6k. Works over 6k might be considered, but 10k is a hard limit.
Payment for accepted stories will be $15 + paperback contributor's copy.
Submissions are currently CLOSED. They will be open June 3rd-August 12th.
Publication date is MARCH of 2024.
Please do not send me stories centered around bigotry or gruesome sexual assault.
Submissions can be sent to uncrownedtheseries@gmail.com with [ SUBMISSION - "TITLE" "AUTHOR" "WORDCOUNT" ] in the subject matter.
Please use Standard SHUNN format when submitting:
Times New Roman 12pt font
Right aligned
.2 first line paragraph indents
Any submissions sent before the official submission period is open with be deleted without consideration.
Thank you, and I look forward to reading your stories!